Clipboard with pencil checking boxes.

2.25% Reimbursement Fee; charge for credit card payments.


Enter Email and Business Name, choose type (may only select one sponsorship choice from the type in the same transaction), amount is generated, complete the credit card information.

You will receive a "Payment Receipt" immediately after your credit card is processed in the system. If you do not, please STOP and contact the City for assistance.

Fate Christmas Tree Lighting Event - Sponsors / Vendors
Used to contact you in case of problem with payment
Title/Lights SOLD (unavailable) ($3,000.00)
Stage SOLD (unavailable) ($2,500.00)
Yule Log S'mores ($2,500.00)
Christmas Crafts ($2,500.00)
Hot Cocoa SOLD (unavailable) ($1,500.00)
Reindeer Games ($2,500.00)
Cookies SOLD (unavailable) ($1,500.00)
Candy Cane Lane SOLD (unavailable) ($1,500.00)
Polar Express SOLD (unavailable) ($1,500.00)
Friends of Fate (Unlimited available) ($500.00)
Gold Sponsors ($2,500.00)
Silver Sponsors ($1,500.00)
Friends of Fate (Less than $500)
Vendor Options
Craft Vendor Large (10 x 20' Booth) ($100.00)
Craft Vendor (10 x 10" Booth) ($50.00)
Food Vendor (Assigned Area) ($200.00)
Payment method
Submit payment
Payment Details
Payment amount
Reimbursement Fee (Credit Card) 2.25% (of subtotal)

Lobby Hours are: Monday-Thursday 7:30am-5:30pm; and Friday 8am-Noon. Exceptions may apply for Holidays and health or weather conditions.

Contact us